Globalisation WebQuest Assignment


The four dimensions of globalisation that Giddens mentions in his text encompass many aspects of the processes connected to this phenomenon. On the internet you find an abundance of sites that provide information on one or another of these dimensions.

The goal of this WebQuest is to get a good grasp on these dimensions and to be able to evaluate the quality of websites.


You are asked to write a short text in groups about your findings relating to the four dimensions.


Investigate a minimum of 2 websites that explicitly deal with one of the four dimensions of globalisation (8 in total) according to the following instructions:

  1. Begin by surfing the links on the web links available in this lesson. See where they lead you. You shall have to explore embedded links since the information you are looking for does not always just pop up on a site.
  2. Find 2 different sites to each of the four dimensions (8 in total).
  3. Describe the content of these sites and explain why you chose it.
  4. Make a comment to each of the site regarding their usefulness and quality.
  5. Prepare a text of 2-4 A4 pages and post it in the respective place that is assigned to this task.
  6. Before you decide to accept the information you find on a website, evaluate the website. Not all websites are of equal value. A checklist of questions for evaluating websites includes:
    - Is the author of the site mentioned?
    - Is a contact link or contact information provided?
    - Is there a section explaining the organization/institution's mission and the purpose of the website (normally in the section "About us"? (The url ending can help you identify the author: .com is a commercial site, .org a non-profit organization; .gov is a governmental institution; and .edu is an educational/academic institution.)
    - Is the information presented in an objective and balanced manner?
    - Is the information on the site accurate?
    - How up-to-date is the information?
    - Is the data provided on the site confirmed or supported by other sites you've visited?

See beside two web links for information on how to evaluate websites:

The WebQuest Assignment will be evaluated in a debrief class discussion in presence of the lecturer.

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